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Mother’s Day Looks Different, so What Do Moms Want?

Mother’s Day Looks Different, so What Do Moms Want?

Mother’s Day Looks Different, so What Do Moms Want?

Mother’s Day is this Sunday, and 66% of people are sad about not having large family celebrations this year.  (34% are relieved they don’t have to go to one.) Moms do NOT want coronavirus-themed presents. (14% say they’d like it if they got a “pretty face mask”, 14% just want someone to grocery shop for them, 8% would like to get a huge container of hand sanitizer, but 64% say all three of those sound like awful Mother’s Day gifts.)

So what do moms ACTUALLY want this year?  The top three requests:

  1. Alone time
  2. A handmade gift from the kids
  3. A traditional gift like jewelry or flowers

Read that again. The most requested gift a mom wants is… NOTHING. Ask her to see if she would like that, and if so… just take the kids for (at least) an hour or two. Here are a few ideas to help you create a block of alone time for mom:

  • Pile them in the car and take a nice long drive
  • Head over to a local park or find another open space to play, bring a frisbee or a football or a kite
  • Go park in Grandma’s driveway and play charades through the window
  • Pack (or pick up) a lunch and have a picnic
  • Go fishing, hiking, exploring, or take a bike ride
  • OR just manage those kids in the house while mom leaves/hides/does whatever she wants… just make sure you can give her a big chunk of uninterrupted time, otherwise it’s going to ruin it for her.

Even better? Tell her that every Saturday from 10am to 12noon is going to be HER time and watch her face light up. (Or every other Sunday afternoon, or Mondays and Wednesday from 5-7pm… WHATEVER.) This is what she needs. This is what you can give her. It will cost NOTHING, but it’s priceless to a busy, tired mom.

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