
On Air

Upstate’s Alternative Rock

Advertise with X 98.5!

Advertise with X 98.5!

Advertise with X 98.5!

    Our radio advertising experts leverage the power of our award-winning on-air personalities to create dynamic, effective advertising campaigns that get results. We offer extensive reach and frequency within your target audience, ensuring your brand message is heard loud and clear. Our team will work with you to create customized advertising campaigns that resonate with your target audience and provide unparalleled brand awareness, audience engagement, and measurable results. Whether you’re looking to boost sales, increase foot traffic, promote brand recognition, or drive website traffic, SummitMedia’s radio advertising services provide a platform to meet your goals.

    Fill out our advertiser form so we can begin a plan for you!

    Here’s why radio advertising with us is a smart choice:

    Local Relevance
    It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

    Community Engagement
    Our radio stations aren’t just a means of reaching communities; they are an integral part of the community fabric. We bring people together, inspire action, and foster a sense of belonging. By associating your brand with our stations, you can tap into the power of community engagement and strengthen your brand image.

    Personal Connection
    Radio offers a one-to-one experience like no other medium. There are no distractions between the listener and the captivating music, conversations, and content. By advertising on our stations, your brand becomes a friendly voice in the ear of our loyal listeners, forging a personal connection that drives brand loyalty.

    Uplifting Content
    Consumers turn to radio for emotional reasons, and mood elevation is a significant driver for nearly 40% of listeners. By aligning your brand with our positive and uplifting content, you can associate your brand with a mindset that resonates with consumers, creating a goldmine of brand affinity.

    Authentic Human Touch
    Our on-air personalities are the vital link between our listeners, our stations, and the community. They are the original influencers and serve as lead generators for advertisers. By leveraging their authentic connection with our audience, you can build and strengthen the bond between your brand and the consumers you want to reach.

    Essential Support
    During times of crisis, our radio stations are a reliable source of timely information and crucial support for the communities we serve. By advertising with us, you demonstrate your brand’s commitment to being there for people in need, showcasing your company’s values and community involvement.

    Daily Companion
    Radio plays a pivotal role in the daily lives of U.S. consumers, especially during commutes. With 75% of consumers tuning in to AM/FM radio in the car, it dominates the dashboard, surpassing any other audio platform. By advertising on our stations, you become a trusted companion during people’s everyday routines.

    Actionable Results
    As a mobile medium, radio is closest to the point of purchase. It has the power to drive web traffic, foot traffic, event attendance, fundraising, volunteerism, and awareness. By leveraging our radio advertising opportunities, you can achieve tangible results and a strong return on investment.

    Compelling Storytelling
    Radio has the unique ability to immerse listeners in captivating stories. It captures their full attention and creates an engaging experience. By telling your brand’s story on our stations, you can connect with consumers on a deeper level & leave a lasting impression.

    Wide-reaching Impact
    Radio is the ultimate reach medium, transcending demographics and cultures. It reaches a broad audience throughout the day, across all screens and platforms. By advertising with us, you gain access to the largest reach across all media options, ensuring maximum exposure for your brand.
